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Importance of User-Centered Design in Mobile App Development

What is User-centric design? User-centric design, also known as user-centered design (UCD), is an approach for product design and development that prioritizes the needs, preferences, and behaviors of the end users. It involves placing the user at the center of the design process and creating products or services that are tailored to meet their specific… Continue reading Importance of User-Centered Design in Mobile App Development

Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Developing Your App

The mobile app market is booming, with over 4.5 million applications available on both Apple store and Google Play store, as reported by Statista. However, a shocking 80% of mobile apps are deleted after just one usage. This raises the question, what mistakes are companies making that lead to the failure of their apps? The… Continue reading Don’t Make These Common Mistakes When Developing Your App

Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2023

mobile app frameworks

A mobile app development framework is a set of tools, libraries, and best practices used by developers to build mobile applications. It provides a standardized approach to app development, making it easier for developers to create high-quality apps in a shorter amount of time.  Some popular mobile app frameworks include React Native, Flutter, Ionic, Swift,… Continue reading Best Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2023

Angular V/S AngularJS : Difference Between Angular and AngularJS

Angular and AngularJS are two popular open-source web development frameworks. Developed by Google, Angular is the newer version and has gained widespread popularity due to its advanced features and improved performance. On the other hand, AngularJS is an older version that was introduced in 2010 and has been widely used in web development for several… Continue reading Angular V/S AngularJS : Difference Between Angular and AngularJS

Best Ways to reduce Server Response Time On WordPress

best Ways to reduce Server Response Time On Wordpress

Reducing Server Response Time on WordPress: An Important Task for WordPress Developers As a WordPress developer, you understand the importance of website performance and the impact it has on user experience. One critical aspect of website performance is server response time, which is a crucial metric to measure the speed of a website. Server response… Continue reading Best Ways to reduce Server Response Time On WordPress

Can ChatGPT replace Google: An unbiased analysis

Can ChatGPT replace Google: An unbiased analysis Since the launch of chatGPT there has been a lot of excitement and it crossed 1 million users in a week’s time and so came the big revelation of being compared with the giant of the search engine industry GOOGLE. The comparison has not stopped at merely comparison… Continue reading Can ChatGPT replace Google: An unbiased analysis

Points to Consider for WordPress Design and Development

Points to Consider – WordPress Design and Development WordPress is one on the most preferred CMS across the world. If we talk about all the websites that exist on the internet, then wordpress powers 43% of those website and if we talk about only CMS based websites then wordpress has a whooping market share of… Continue reading Points to Consider for WordPress Design and Development

Woocommerce Mobile App Builder Service

Woocommerce Mobile App Builder Service For the past 5 years we have been seeing an exponential growth of mobile-commerce. 2022 Q1 saw more than 50% of all traffic on the internet come from mobile devices like. With such a major contribution of mobile till now and with the increased penetration of smartphones this number is going… Continue reading Woocommerce Mobile App Builder Service

Learning Management System – Different Scenario Calls For Different Features

Learning Management System – Features of a LMS In this article I’ll share the features that are must have for any LMS and good to have features. As an organization for deciding on a LMS there are few important factors to consider Your goals for having a LMS and does the LMS that you are… Continue reading Learning Management System – Different Scenario Calls For Different Features

Ecommerce Mobile App Must Have Features

Ecommerce Mobile App WordPress is the most widely used platforms for CMS all over the world. Woocommerce is an extension of wordpress that is used for e-commerce. With tons of features, ease of use, thousands of free modules catering to multiple business needs and ease of development; woocommerce just like wordpress is a favourite platform… Continue reading Ecommerce Mobile App Must Have Features