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Manage the details of multiple
distributors easily and dynamically from opencart admin

Steps For Installation

To install the Distributor management extension follow these below steps :

Open admin panel of the website (ex : example.com/apanel). Navigate to Extensions  > Extension Installer


Upload the zipped extension file, filename ending with .ocmod. After uploading the extension file you will get the list of files that will be overwritten.

Now click on Continue button to proceed further.


Navigate to Extension > Modifications (Modification menu which is under Extension) and click on refresh button.



In the next step navigate to menu Extension > Modules, where you will get a list of modules. Find Distributors from the list and click on install button as in below image.



You will get success message that (You have modified modules). It means you have installed the distributor module successfully from the extension.


Module Configuration

After installation, Lets configure the module. By default extension is disabled. You have to enable it.  Find out Distributors from the distributor list and click on edit (pencil mark) button.



Here you will get two option, first one is Status to enable/disable extension and second is remove the changes from database when uninstall.

  • Be careful here while selecting the second option. If you enable the second option and uninstall this module. You will loose all the distributor related data saved in database.

Here you can enable the status of the module and disabled the second option. So that when you uninstall this module, distributor related data remains in database.



Now You have to give access/modify permission to administrator. So that admin can make changes into distributor module.

Navigate to System > Users > User Groups from menu and click on Edit (pencil mark) button as illustrated in below image.



Here in Access and Modify permission find out catalog/distributor and tick the checkbox. Now click on save button on top right corner.



You have successfully installed the extension and activated the distributor module. Now you can add distributor related data. Navigate to Catalog > Distributors from menu and click on add (+) button on top right corner.



After click on add button you will get a distributor form where you can fill distributor related data. In form you will have two tabs General and Data.



In general, tab you have

* Company Name: Name of the distributor company.

First Name: First name of the distributor.

Last Name: Last name of the distributor.

*Email: Email id of the distributor.

Website: Distributor’s website.

In Data tab you have

*Mobile Number: Mobile number of distributor.

Office Number:   Office number of distributor.

Fax: Fax number of distributor.

*Country: Name of country where distributor belong to.

State: Name of the distributor state.

Pincode/zipcode: zip code of the distributor.

Status: Enable/disable.

 (* if you disable the status, Data will not display on website.)

Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory to fill.

Once you fill the distributor form click on save button (on top right corner). Now you have added a distributor data into the website. Open your website in new tab and navigate to footer area (bottom of the page).



Here you can see Distributors link under Customer Service as illustrated in above image. When you click on this link you can see the active distributor list of the distributors.


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