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Laravel: Is it the best PHP framework out there

Out of the multiple available PHP frameworks* we consider few major ones as listed down below and out of these Laravel is considered the best one for web application development for enterprises –

  • Laravel
  • Zend
  • Symfony
  • CodeIgniter
  • CakePHP
  • Yii

* Framework is a platform that allows developers to rapidly develop web applications. And reduce the time to market

Laravel aims to make tasks like authentication, sessions, caching, and routing much more easier for developers. Let’s look into the benefits of choosing Laravel in more detail

1. Secured

With cyber security being of utmost importance for web applications a robust and secured framework is required that safeguard the web applications. Laravel is a secured framework that provides high end security by not allowing malware activities or security threats to enter your web application, thus saving the application from hidden and malicious SQL injections.

2. High Performance

High performance web application is an inherent requirement as in this age no one wants to wait for the applications to open. Laravel provides multiple tools that enhance the application performance. Tools like mem-cached and Redis when integrated with Laravel brings enhanced performance for the web application.

5. Blade Templating

A key feature of Laravel is its Blade Templating engine. This provides developers to use pre-defined templates to write certain codes. Noteworthy is that these do not restrict writing your own PHP code. The light-weight, intuitive and dynamic templates allows for easy and quick code writing. This brings in two benefits in one – lightweight website with enhanced performance.

3. Easy and Powerful Authentication

Developing authentication for web applications is one of the areas’ where Laravel makes it easy for the developers to develop logic behind providing access to the authorized users. This was one of the reasons behind creating Laravel framework to make certain things easier for the developers.

4. Open Source & Strong Ever Growing Community

Apart from being open source Larave is backed by a strong and powerful community. The community is there to provide solutions for complex functionalities as well as make the framework more flexible and scalable.

6. Database Migration

Sharing of databases within the team between developers is easy and smooth. This feature was developed later on by few Laravel developers (Kudos to them). This pairing of migrations ensures that the databases are created and maintained appropriately without re-creating it and saving time of developers and reduce issues.

7. MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model-view-controller architecture. MVC architecture provides built-in functionalities which can be used while development. The MVC architecture also provides better documentation compared to other PHP frameworks. Apart from development MVC architecture also improves performance.

8. Object Oriented Libraries

Laravel has prebuilt Object Oriented libraries, like the authentication library. These have awesome features that are easy to use and easy to implement. The modular approach of laravel makes it possible to develop modular, responsive web applications.

9. Few More

Laravel application also provides for ease of Unit testing.

With the growth in community and increasing acceptance the whole community is always bringing functionalities that stays on top of the latest technology needs thus the web applications are future ready despite ever changing tech need.

In conclusion we can say that out of the various php framework using Laravel is a safe bet for your web application wherein you will get a future ready and robust application. If you are looking to discuss more on this and share your idea for a new web application or looking for someone to maintain your existing application or want to upgrade to Laravel, let’s discuss over a cup of coffee.

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