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Is Angular The Right Technology For Your Product

A good tech stack vs the right tech stack is what can make or break an application. Due care needs to be taken when deciding on the technology that best suits your need and your application requirement. Let’s delve deep into one of the most popular frontend technology – Angular, and understand through use cases, is angular the right technology for your product and when to use and when NOT to use Angular.

When to Use Angular

Angular is a superheroic technology that handles multiple complex and heavy situations with ease.

Video streaming applications

Google leveraged Angular to launch Youtube on PS3. If you are looking at building a streaming application, then Angular can be a good choice. At Tecziq we have developed a SAAS streaming application with multiple forms of streaming, chat, payment options and lot more using Angular. The application can also be taken as a white labelled application.

We have developed a ready to use plug and play Angular based streaming application that can be setup within hours for you to start  your own streaming portal.

eCommerce applications 

When T-Mobile were looking to enhance the performance and user experience of their customer using their application by reducing the wait for content to load, they chose Angular to reduce the time with server-side rendering. 

Furthermore, they employed Angular so they could use HTML parsing for search engine purposes. They also updated the site autonomously and seamlessly implemented the dynamic page composition. T-mobile tasted success in their eCommerce in the form of increase in search engine traffic and they revamped the application layout and converted it into a smooth performing application.

Real-time Data Applications

Weather.com is one of the most commonly used application for real-time weather updates. One of the factors contributing to it success is the usage of Angular’s versatility in terms of modules and directories that enables it to utilize the widget feature to load the application on desktop and handheld devices. Angular facilitated the creation of widgets based on custom needs of devices and providing real-time data and dynamically showcasing it.

User-generated Content Portals

Content is the king and user-generated web applications are the most sort after, but they also require high level of security and management. Angular has made it simple through its inner HTML to display the user-generated content and a built-in “DomSanitizer”, a security feature.

Angular supports complex technicalities required by user-generated content websites, e.g. Upwork and New York Times are two famous examples that are utilizing Angular to handle their heavy pages. Angular has made it easy for these and similar websites to fetch and render data in seconds without sacrificing their single page application features. 

The Guardian is another example which uses Angular tech stack for setting an example for using RxJS extensions which allows for creation of infinite scrolling of search results and Smoothly handling the massive amount of data being handled by the Guardian.

When not to Use Angular

As mentioned above, Angular is super-heroic, but, there are times when using Angular may not be beneficial for the application. So it is not the question of what Angular is and what it can do but “is angular the right technology for your product?”

Websites with Static Content:

Small websites with lesser objectives and static content, like landing pages, informative websites, event pages, etc. should be built with limited tech stacks as using Angular will only add extra amount of code, which is not required by such websites.

Limited Resources and Startups:

Smaller teams with limited resources, should not use Angular as it demands a certain set of skills for quick problem-solving. Micro-services design provides flexibility allows to choose the tools irrespective of the different modules of a project, but Angular is a complete solution with all the tooling required and hence, does not provide flexibility to choose other external tools, thus require things that are even not required for the project.

So if the plan is to use micro-service design architecture but you still want to use Angular, you should rethink. 

Game Apps & Heavy Analytical Apps

Angular is not for Gaming or for complex mathematical analytics type application because Angular checks each document object model before it changes its place. In such cases it is better to use something like React.


Understanding the need of the application from perspective of business flow as well as technical complexity in light of the technological advantages and dis-advantages is a critical factor that can lead to success of the application. Whenever you are looking at choosing Angular as your technology stack ask “is angular the right technology for your product?” and not just start using it because it is being used by other applications.

At Tecziq our technical architects and development team can assist you and work as your extended team to take care of the technological aspect of your project while you focus on the core business. At Tecziq our Angular developers team is available for you hire them on dedicated model or work on your project on hourly basis or a fixed bid model.

We would be glad to be part of your journey of giving shape to your next idea using Angular as the frontend technology. Get in touch with us at info@tecziq.com and sales@tecziq.com.

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